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Environmental And Sustainability Policy

This Environmental & Sustainability Policy of Promerch World Ltd is to successfully implement, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that its current and future operations will be carried out with a commitment to protecting the environment.

Promerch World Ltd recognises that our activities may have a potential environmental impact, and in developing this policy we look to confirm our commitment to managing our environmental issues properly.

Our policy, outlined below, has been approved and signed by the Director. On implementation, we will show our commitment to manage our environmental impact and thus we will:

  • Fully comply with environmental regulations.
  • Work with SEDEX/Ecovadis/ISO 14001 or similar, certified suppliers.
  • Actively pursue opportunities to minimise the environmental impact of our operations.
  • Actively pursue opportunities to purchase and sell alternative products that have a reduced environmental impact where alternatives are available.
  • List and mark products that are classified as Sustainable to allow our client base to easily identify them.
  • Actively reduce the use of unnecessary packaging, single use plastics and non-recyclable products.
  • Ensure that all environmental considerations are integrated into our business decisions, Supply chain and product choices.
  • Actively develop a wider understanding of environmental and sustainability issues within our Business, our supply chain and clientele.
  • Regularly review our policies to ensure that they comply with environmental regulations.

The responsibility for implementing and maintaining this Environmental Policy Statement is that of the Director and Management Team. 

This Environmental Policy Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

The Company and its brands, endorse this policy statement and is fully committed to its implementation.

This Environmental Policy Statement has been approved & authorised by:

Dated: 01/01/
Chris Pitts
Managing Director
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